Who does not like to flaunt a perfectly white smile? Sadly, not many people have the privilege of having a sparkling white smile. With time, dental treatments have evolved and it is no more a far-fetched dream to achieve the smile you always wanted. If you are looking for getting a brighter smile, it is time to consider professional teeth whitening.
Though there are other options as well, such as OTC whitening products like toothpaste and whitening kits, none of them can offer as great results as professional whitening. The professional whitening is apt for people who have stained and discolored teeth. The discoloration may be caused because of aging, smoking, chewing tobacco, having a sports drink, or coffee, tea, and red wine.
It is to be known that bleaching can make your teeth temporarily sensitive or make people feel uncomfortable who already have sensitive teeth. Also, the at-home kits can lead to burnt and temporarily bleached gums as well. You must also know that whitening works for yellow teeth, but it is not as effective for people with brown teeth.
Thus, you must consult your dentist before you decide to go for any of the whitening procedures. Before the treatment, the dentist will check your teeth to find out if you are the right candidate for whitening. He may take an x-ray and also schedule a checkup with your hygienist. Let’s explore the professional whitening options and what to expect from them.
The dentist will take the impressions of your teeth for making the custom-trays for whitening. These trays fit the teeth perfectly and comfortably. The dentist will take a note of the natural shade of your teeth and then instruct you on how to use the tray. You first need to apply the whitening gel on the tray and fit the tray for achieving brightening results. You must always wear the trays as directed by the dentist.
It is also to be noted that some people’s teeth may take longer to respond so there is no need to get disappointed if the tray doesn’t offer the desired results on the first application. Some trays need a few weeks or months of consistent application for offering the apparent results. The dentist will discuss all the concerns you have regarding the duration of treatment. At the completion of the procedure, you can get up to 8 shades lighter teeth than what you originally had.
Zoom whitening is an ideal procedure for those who have lesser time to devote to the whitening procedure. The dentist in Rexdale will first apply a protective coating for covering the lips, cheeks, and gums. Then a gel is placed on your teeth followed by shining a light on them for fifteen minutes. This process is repeated two times or more but the treatment will be completed within an hour.
After the whitening procedure, your teeth can experience some sensitivity but you can combat it with the help of below-mentioned tips:
The sensitivity lasts only for the first 2-3 days but if it doesn’t subside on its own, you must talk to your dentist.