Helpful Tips for Dealing with Dental Emergencies

Helpful Tips for Dealing with Dental Emergencies

Dec 01, 2020

Dental emergencies are severe problems and need prompt dental attention as soon as possible. Whether you have an abscess, a broken tooth, lost filling, or merely a toothache, you must reach out to the nearest dental professional for help. What you think is a minor issue can become severe to result in loss of teeth.

There are many things you can do to safeguard your oral health. However, if you encounter an emergency for any reason, do you know what you can do until you reach an emergency dental clinic near you for assistance? Whatever you do, the problem remains with you until you address the issue, even when you are no longer in pain.

Dental emergencies don’t affect either you or a member of your family without reason. There is always an underlying cause that has been left unattended for long and has erupted when you least expect it. Things would have been much better if you had addressed the underlying issue earlier from your regular dentist because it would have prevented the need for emergency dental care. Now that you are affected by one, let us give you some helpful tips you can use when confronted by a dental emergency.

Helpful Tips for Managing Dental Emergencies

Your first thought, when affected by any dental issue, is to react quickly without panicking. It is also essential that you respond carefully, significantly if pieces of a tooth are dislodged or lost. You must pick up all the missing pieces before you head to the nearest dentist for help. At times your dentist may restore the lost tooth if you reach them in time.

If you are affected by a toothache, you must carefully rinse your mouth with warm water and use dental floss to remove food particles or debris trapped between your teeth and causing pain. You may think of applying aspirin or any other medication to your tooth or gum tissues. It would help if you didn’t do so because it can burn the area.

The toothache could also be a result of an infection affecting your tooth. Regular visits to your dentist for cleanings and exams would have helped identify the condition and take precautionary steps. You must call your dentist and explain your situation, asking for advice on what you can do to alleviate the pain. Your dentist will provide information on how you can manage the problem or advise you to visit the dental clinic for urgent dental care.

Severe Dental Emergencies Need Prompt Attention

Every dental emergency cannot be considered severe because some, like loose fillings, can wait for a couple of days until you receive treatment from your regular dentist. However, some issues cannot remain and need immediate attention. Some of them are:

Knocked-out Tooth

Nothing is as severe as a knocked-out tooth because not only does it affect your smile but also hampers your eating and speaking. You may begin thinking about replacement solutions but are recommended to locate the tooth and pick it up by the Crown. Rinse the tooth in water for approximately 10 seconds without scrubbing the roots and try to place it in the socket. If you cannot, place the tooth between your cheeks and gums or in a cup of milk.

Call emergency dentistry in Etobicoke, ON, explain your situation to them and reach the dental office within 30 minutes. The chances of restoring your tooth are high if you manage to see the dentist within the specified time.

Dental Abscesses

A dental abscess is life-threatening and needs immediate treatment from Toronto dentistry. The blemish indicates an infection in your tooth that has spread to the jawbone. You could be suffering from fever, chills, pimples on the gums, pus, and other problems. It would be best if you got treatment from an emergency dentist as soon as possible to prevent the infection from spreading into your bloodstream. Left untreated dental abscess can cause severe issues leading to health conditions that are expensive to deal with.

You may be encouraged to visit an emergency dentistry near you when a dental emergency strikes you. Undoubtedly, you can see one if you are bleeding from a bitten lip or tongue or an injury to your jaw that you suspect is broken. However, in all other conditions, you must visit a dental professional without considering emergency rooms because a delay in seeking treatment can result in you needing more expensive and intensive procedures.

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