You know the old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” but you should also know the saying “Two dental exams a year keep the cavities away!”
When it comes to the health of your teeth and mouth, the most beneficial thing you can do is to make it to your biannual dental exams & cleanings in Rexdale consistently. Many patients who do so are able to stay cavity free, or our dentist can take care of any small issues before they blossom into something much worse. The majority of root canals, extractions, and other restorative procedures often comes from neglecting to get to the dentist on a consistent basis.
During an exam, our dentist near you, will check all areas of the mouth, including teeth, lips, gums and other soft tissues, to make sure that all aspects look healthy. During a cleaning in Rexdale, your hygienist will use special tools and techniques to help get your mouth as clean as possible.
There are many benefits to keeping your biannual dental exams: